

On Words, the application integrates the framework of potentially non-deterministic and / or weighted transducers.
By giving the diagrams and the transducer, the language (possibly weighted) of consistent words, that of safe words, or unsafe words can be calculated and visualized in about twenty formats.

This tool also makes it possible to calculate certain distances between languages. The calculation of generalized consistency with weights can indeed simulate, for an adapted transducer, the calculation of the distance between languages.
One can for example calculate the Hamming distance, the editing distance, as well as their generalized and / or asymptotic versions.

On the trees, the tool allows the transformation by XSLT 1.0 and 2.0 processors and the confrontation to a DTD using Xsltproc, Xalan and Xmllint, all fully configurable from the interface.
Consistency and safety can thus be modeled in the case of trees.

This transformation tool also allows the modeling of particular transformations of schemes.
It was used to automatically visualize the numerical responses of an OLAP query [1] by multidimensional histograms and pie charts in SVG.


The domain name of the tool – – has been abandoned and its restart elsewhere is postponed for many years.

[1] Surajit Chaudhuri and Umeshwar Dayal, An overview of data warehousing and OLAP technology; SIGMOD 1997.


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